Welcome to the big show! Every year a cast and crew of over 1000 people come together to present the greatest story ever told to the northwest Indiana and Chicagoland area. While there are many passion plays during the Easter season, there is nothing QUITE like J.O.N. in size or style. From waterfalls and real life horses and camels to cutting edge pyrotechnics and exciting stunts the action and authenticity will transport your senses to Jerusalem during the days of JESUS. Experience the culture of old Israel and witness the red words come to life before you as you see first hand, the miracles, the life, and the resurrection of the Son of God.

For all who are wanting to act on stage in a lead, secondary or supporting role, please see the Characters tab below and let us know what role you are interested in. Below, you also can download Scene Sides which is your audition script. Saturday, January 6, 2024 @11a is our Audition and Involvement Day. Please come with your application completed and ready to take a ID photo. We are excited to have you be a part of our Production! Break a Leg!